“Lets keep Monterey safe, scenic and solvent”
Mayor Clyde Roberson
Get Involved by:
Letting us know why you think undergrounding is important
Support us by submitting you name and email
Joining us for our monthly meetings, usually on the 3rd Monday of every month.
See list of meetings on out Meetings page (NOTE: we are currently using Zoom - please send us an email to get an invite)Talk to your neighbors and let them know about undergrounding, and
Join our board and help research methods and procedures for undergrounding
NEW: Monterey Undergrounding wants your opinion!!
October 2022: Monterey Undergrounding has put together a survey of what residents want to do about Undergrounding out utilities, how important it is to them, and what they think about possible funding sources. Please read the background information on our home page and then learn about funding options and then take the survey here.